Catégorie : Informatique

  • What I learned this month: Github Actions and pre-commit

    This is yet again another attempt to reboot the dev part of this blog. I’m not successful, but at least I’m persistent 😉 Introduction I’m kicking off a new serie of posts. Every month, I plan on writing about the new stuff that I’ve discovered in the broader field of software development. It’s an attempt…

  • Speaking turns in your videocalls

    Context I’ve been co-hosting a speaking group about polyamory in Paris for the past few years, in which we used to organize the debate by writing down speech requests on a piece of paper, and distributing them in order. The groups were between 60 and 100 people in average. However, you have probably noticed that…

  • Des tours de parole dans vos visioconfs

    Le contexte Je co-anime un groupe de parole à Paris autour de la polyamorie depuis quelques années, groupe dans lequel on avait l’habitude d’organiser le débat en notant les demandes de prise de parole sur un bout de papier, et en distribuant la parole dans l’ordre au fur et à mesure. Les groupes allaient de…

  • Reviews are hard

    It’s a vast subject, but one thing is certain: reviewing other people’s code is hard. Because good mentoring require technical and non-technical skills (such as patience). I would like to dive directly into a specific detail of code reviews. It’s an iterative process: author submits code for review, reviewer make suggestions, author amends or pushes…

  • Les hommes parlent trop

    Sous ce titre un peu provocateur, je voudrais vous parler d’une application toute simple pour mesurer le temps de parole. Contexte : Je suis informaticien, j’écris des programmes. Je fais partie de l’équipe d’orga des Cafés Poly à Paris, qui organisent des soirées discussion-débat autour de la polyamorie (ou « polyamour » ) Lors des cafés polys,…

  • My experience of Flock 2017

    Flock, the annual Fedora contributor’s conference, is now over. It took place in Cape Cod this year (near Boston, MA), and it was great once again. It started with a keynote by our project leader Matt, who insisted on Fedora’s place in the diffusion of innovation. We are targeting the inovators and the early adopters,…

  • The workshop on Fedora Hubs at Flock 2017 will be awesome

    TL;DR: come to the Hubs workshop at Flock! 🙂 This is a shameless plug, I admit. In a couple weeks, a fair number of people from the Fedora community will gather near Boston for the annual Flock conference. We’ll be able to update each other and work together face-to-face, which does not happen so often…